Risk in technology and transport - models and indicators
- SZYMANEK Andrzej
- Kategoria: Transport i spedycja
The risk associated with any form of human activity has become currently one of the most important research categories. There is no explicit mapping studies of risk to a particular field of knowledge. Kind of risk is defined by associating with the kind of consequences (loss). In the study of risk appear methodological discrepancies already from the very beginning, i.e. at the level of interpretation, models and indicators. Need a reminder of this topic was the first motivation to write this paper.
Ryzyko związane z każdą formą aktywności człowieka - stało się aktualnie jedną z najważniejszych kategorii badawczych. Nie ma jednoznacznego przyporządkowania badań ryzyka do określonej dziedziny wiedzy. Rodzaj ryzyka jest definiowany poprzez skojarzenie z rodzajem konsekwencji (strat). W badaniach ryzyka pojawiały się rozbieżności metodologiczne już od samego początku, czyli na poziomie interpretacji, modeli i wskaźników. Potrzeba przypomnienia tego ważnego tematu była głównym powodem do napisania referatu.
As noted long ago: “human danger, by a technical activities (...) the easiest way you can capture in a reasonably way as stochastic values product: the probability of the occurrence of dangerous phenomena and the size of the harmful effects. So defined value can be regarded as an objective risk by technical activity ", [1]. This simple but profound observation, which has initiated development of risk analysis methods.
Nothing happens without risk; agreeing to any risk, you should put an important and somewhat perverse formulated question: how safe is safe enough? [2]. This question concerns the principles for evaluation of risk and is an important “dilemma breakdown " (“sharing dilemma"), [3]. In this sense, it is also one of the main problems of risk management.
The proper functioning of transport systems depends to a large degree on efficient management. It should cause the transport was highly functional, pro-ecologic, economically optimal and, above all, safe. Effective management of safety is management by objectives, i.e. the kind of management system, which basic principle is: "we manage
Technical University of Radom, Faculty of Transport and Electrical Engineering, POLAND; Radom 26-600; (...)
Ryzyko związane z każdą formą aktywności człowieka - stało się aktualnie jedną z najważniejszych kategorii badawczych. Nie ma jednoznacznego przyporządkowania badań ryzyka do określonej dziedziny wiedzy. Rodzaj ryzyka jest definiowany poprzez skojarzenie z rodzajem konsekwencji (strat). W badaniach ryzyka pojawiały się rozbieżności metodologiczne już od samego początku, czyli na poziomie interpretacji, modeli i wskaźników. Potrzeba przypomnienia tego ważnego tematu była głównym powodem do napisania referatu.
As noted long ago: “human danger, by a technical activities (...) the easiest way you can capture in a reasonably way as stochastic values product: the probability of the occurrence of dangerous phenomena and the size of the harmful effects. So defined value can be regarded as an objective risk by technical activity ", [1]. This simple but profound observation, which has initiated development of risk analysis methods.
Nothing happens without risk; agreeing to any risk, you should put an important and somewhat perverse formulated question: how safe is safe enough? [2]. This question concerns the principles for evaluation of risk and is an important “dilemma breakdown " (“sharing dilemma"), [3]. In this sense, it is also one of the main problems of risk management.
The proper functioning of transport systems depends to a large degree on efficient management. It should cause the transport was highly functional, pro-ecologic, economically optimal and, above all, safe. Effective management of safety is management by objectives, i.e. the kind of management system, which basic principle is: "we manage
Technical University of Radom, Faculty of Transport and Electrical Engineering, POLAND; Radom 26-600; (...)
Artykuł zawiera 25959 znaków.
Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka
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