Classification of technical states for signaling systems in exploitational practice
- Jarosław Moczarski
- Kategoria: Transport i spedycja
Summary: Changes of the signaling devices technical state are the result of the ageing and wearing process of its components, as well as of the realization of targeted maintenances. Information about adverse change of the technical state gives rise to the decision-making problem. Its solution involves defining the aim of necessary maintenance operations and to establish the timing and extent of their implementation. In practice of signaling systems exploitation, it is a lack of mechanisms for speedy solution of such problems. To effectively manage the maintenance process are useful the methods of operations sequence modeling.
Exploitation of signaling systems and devices is a purposeful, conscious human activity aimed at providing transportation tasks by the organizers of the transport process.
Functioning of the devices is accompanied by environmental influences and interactions of components and subassemblies. They are destructive influence leading to changes in the state technical devices. They may have a significant influence on the effectiveness of control and safety of the trains movement. The changing state of signaling devices may lead to a number of threats.
The destructive processes occurring in the signaling devices are the result of the environment, rolling stock, freight, other signaling systems influences, as well as the impact of the working factors supporting the functioning of each device.
External factors come from the surrounding of signaling systems. Particularly important are the influences of physical and technical environment, in which we may show other signaling systems impact and associated with it methods of exploitation, the applicable technical standards, environmental impact, and so. conversion factors mainly related to the implementation of new signaling systems into existing environments (ensure proper cooperation with the existing "old" signaling systems).
Factors affecting on signaling devices can be divided into two groups:
• general, which are occurring always and everywhere, and applies to any device and operating system, • special (specific) resulting from the devices construction, operating principles, construction materials used; may be different for different devices and their components.
Range of influence of individual factors and their effect on change the signaling devices and systems technical states is very diverse. (...)
Exploitation of signaling systems and devices is a purposeful, conscious human activity aimed at providing transportation tasks by the organizers of the transport process.
Functioning of the devices is accompanied by environmental influences and interactions of components and subassemblies. They are destructive influence leading to changes in the state technical devices. They may have a significant influence on the effectiveness of control and safety of the trains movement. The changing state of signaling devices may lead to a number of threats.
The destructive processes occurring in the signaling devices are the result of the environment, rolling stock, freight, other signaling systems influences, as well as the impact of the working factors supporting the functioning of each device.
External factors come from the surrounding of signaling systems. Particularly important are the influences of physical and technical environment, in which we may show other signaling systems impact and associated with it methods of exploitation, the applicable technical standards, environmental impact, and so. conversion factors mainly related to the implementation of new signaling systems into existing environments (ensure proper cooperation with the existing "old" signaling systems).
Factors affecting on signaling devices can be divided into two groups:
• general, which are occurring always and everywhere, and applies to any device and operating system, • special (specific) resulting from the devices construction, operating principles, construction materials used; may be different for different devices and their components.
Range of influence of individual factors and their effect on change the signaling devices and systems technical states is very diverse. (...)
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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka
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