Rodzaj wydarzenia: konferencja
Data rozpoczęcia: 2013-09-10
Data zakończenia: 2013-09-10
Miejsce konferencji: Düsseldorf
Organizator: RFID im Blick
Already for the third time in a row the "RFID at a glance" the magazine invites users, technology providers, and all interested parties who want to change processes in the future using the RFID technology, to the Conference. Some 300 participants are expected for this year's event on September 10 in Düsseldorf. The target sectors include industry, logistics, trade, aviation and healthcare.
The title of this year's RFID Conference "Change the future with RFID" speaks for itself. But it is in need of some explanation. How can the future and how can the processes in the future, be changed? What solutions are suitable for this? What must hardware products and system solutions be capable to to accompany the change reliably. And above all, the question of which industries are suitable for process optimisation and process changes. Many questions - questions that the RFID Conference wants to answer.
24 presentations by users and the SpeedLabs of the Exhibitors to which each participant can sign up to will help. Be excited about current user presentations, expertise of the RFID experts, and networking in a stylish atmosphere directly on the banks of the Rhine!
We would like to draw your attention in particular to Forum III.
In Forum III you can expect in a total of eight lectures on interesting international use-cases of the already fixed speakers from France, Poland, Finland, Russia, Switzerland and Ukraine.
More information is available on the website: