Optymalizuj logistykę w firmie: Aktualne trendy i sprawdzone rozwiązania dla Twojego biznesu

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Application of corporate metrics method to measure risk in logistics

Two important and significant rates are used earnings and cash flow. The basis of Corporate Metrics realization is a process based on simulation, in which huge amount of various different scenarios are obtained and which facilitate to generate future financial results. Corporate Metrics enables to describe future financial results determination and consecutively to determine different levels of risk.
Corporate Metrics is a conceptual framework oriented to market risk measuring in the business environment. It is a complex set of definitions, methodologies, data files and software aimed to measure risk in the given business (corporate) environment. In broad terms, this method is oriented to two important business financial indexes that affect the company´s value assessment in a significant way - cash flow and earnings. Corporate
Metrics enables every company to predict earnings and cash flow for a variety of expected market rates´ values. Foreign exchange rates, interest rates, commodity prices and equity prices are presented as market rates. Considering this, market risk measures can be obtained.
The methodology is designed to accommodate long-horizon forecasting to coincide with the long-term management cycle that is typical to corporate planning and business management. Moreover, Corporate Metrics method uses other methods, such as Value at
Risk which is considered to be a principal method used in portfolio risk analysis.
Corporate Metrics also offers a Risk Metrics which is perfectly adapted to corporate environment and concentrated on portfolio analysis. Both methods are used for market risk measuring but some differences have to be discussed. Risk Metrics is designed to foresee possible changes of financial instruments market risk portfolio such as fixed income securities, foreign exchange, commodities, obligations, equities and their derivates. The time period is markedly short, from one day up to one month. (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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