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An adaptive neural network for diesel engines testing

  •  Adaptive network for fuzzy inference system, internal combustion engine, engine testing, Lenar GALIULLIN
  • Kategoria: Pozostałe zagadnienia
An adaptive neural network for fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) for testing internal combustion engines (ICE) is presented. The proposed ANFIS automatically obtains fuzzy rules for controlling ICE at the testing. Number of layers and theirs neurons was designed. The ANFIS was developed using MathWorks MatLab.
Experimental results indicated that ANFIS has satisfactory precision for engine testing.
Artykuł przedstawia zastosowanie rozmytej sieci neuronowej do badania silników spalinowych. Sieć ta w trakcie badania silnika spalinowego w sposób automatyczny generuje przyporządkowane mu rozmyte reguły wnioskowania. Liczba warstw oraz odpowiadająca im liczba neuronów w każdej warstwie została dobrana w sposób eksperymentalny. Siec została zaimplementowana w oparciu o pakiet
Matlab. Przeprowadzone eksperymenty wykazały zadowalającą efektywność działania sieci.
Expansion of production of automobiles, tractors and theirs growing role at modern society’s satisfaction of needs brings to persistent upgrade of engines.
Rated engine power, efficiency, toxicity and other properties such as reliability and operating life is assessed from engine test at the stand. At the present time all new produced engines is testing at the stand. The essence, volume and number of tests are defined by their purpose. Engine testing is regulated by state standard specifications.
Tests are the final stage of difficult process of creation and modernization of internal combustion engines. So, all new created, modernized and serial internal combustion engines are putted to various kinds of tests. (...)
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