Marketing v Čase hospodÁrskej krÍzy
- Napisał Super User
- Kategoria: Pozostałe zagadnienia
Autor vo svojom príspevku stručne analyzuje príčiny finančnej a hospodárskej krízy. Základnou príčinou bol nedostatok kapitálu, ktorý sa vo svete kompenzoval úvermi. V konečnom dôsledku sa hlavným problémom stáva spotreba a nie financie.
Na riešenie tohto problému je potrebné vytvoriť nie virtuálny, ale reálny kúpyschopný dopyt. Základnou otázkou, na ktorú hľadá autor odpoveď je vplyv krízy na marketing. V tejto súvislosti poukazuje, že firmy by mali brať marketingové náklady za investíciu, ktorá v krízovom období má síce dlhšiu dobu namáhavosti, ale sú veľmi potrebné a efektívne v období po zvýšení kúpyschopného dopytu. Podrobne sa tiež riešia nové prístupy k segmentácii trhu v čase krízy aj nákupné správanie a zmeny nastávajú aj v štruktúre nástrojov marketingovej komunikácie - posilnenie
PR a podpory predaja, pokles významu reklamy, sponzoringu a filantropie.
Z hľadiska stabilizácie pracovníkov aj pri znížení odbytu poukazuje na význam personálneho marketingu a vnútropodnikovej internej komunikácie.
In the study the author briefly characterises the causes of financial and economic crisis. The basic cause was the lack of capital, which was compensated by credits.
As a final consequence, the main issue has become consumption and not finances.
In order to solve this issue, it is necessary to create not virtual, but real effective demand. Fundamental question, which the author seeks to answer, is the impact of the crisis on marketing. In this connection, he points out that firms should consider marketing costs as investments, which in the period of crisis have a longer period of severity, but they are extremely necessary and efficient in the time after the increase of effective demand. New approaches to the market segmentation in the time of crisis have been investigated into detail, as well as purchasing behaviour and there are also changes in the structure of marketing communication tools - strengthening of PR and sales promotion, decrease of the importance of advertising, sponsorship and philanthropy. From the viewpoint of the workforce stabilisation during the decrease of sale, the author stresses the importance of personnel marketing and in-plant internal communication. (...)
PR a podpory predaja, pokles významu reklamy, sponzoringu a filantropie.
Z hľadiska stabilizácie pracovníkov aj pri znížení odbytu poukazuje na význam personálneho marketingu a vnútropodnikovej internej komunikácie.
In the study the author briefly characterises the causes of financial and economic crisis. The basic cause was the lack of capital, which was compensated by credits.
As a final consequence, the main issue has become consumption and not finances.
In order to solve this issue, it is necessary to create not virtual, but real effective demand. Fundamental question, which the author seeks to answer, is the impact of the crisis on marketing. In this connection, he points out that firms should consider marketing costs as investments, which in the period of crisis have a longer period of severity, but they are extremely necessary and efficient in the time after the increase of effective demand. New approaches to the market segmentation in the time of crisis have been investigated into detail, as well as purchasing behaviour and there are also changes in the structure of marketing communication tools - strengthening of PR and sales promotion, decrease of the importance of advertising, sponsorship and philanthropy. From the viewpoint of the workforce stabilisation during the decrease of sale, the author stresses the importance of personnel marketing and in-plant internal communication. (...)
Artykuł zawiera 15707 znaków.
Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka
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