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Fundaments of e-logistics

ble and effective functioning of supply chains requires beyond good management of physical products flow, set under functional and organizational aspect a system of information flow (flow and computerization)3.
In the background of changing situation on local and global markets of delivery and sales companies more often use the Internet tools letting realization of electronic transactions with partners in supExperiences achieved up to the present ply chain. Changes in management of supply chain happen with development of in area of e-business let separate folloclients” needs and technological possibi- wing business models which define relalities of cooperating partners. Globaliza- tions of market partners4: tion of economic companies cooperation ● business to business model (B2B) - this model embraces main economic con(e. g. in delivery, production and distritacts, it means their preparation, assesbution processes), technological growth sment of partners” risk, negotiating and and innovative manners of economic realization of order until full payment activity, as well as stronger competition and shorter products life cycles on mar- ● business to customer model (B2C) - it concerns financial services (e. g. eleckets have caused pressure on changes of tronic banking, insurances, investment dimensions of supply chains acts - shorter time of order realization, global scope of activity, bigger elasticity and durabi li ty. One of fun da men tal to ol of supporting business processes became electronic data interchange through the
Internet. It has caused epoch-making change for clients values - independent access to information about products” flow and localization of supply chain partners.
Growth of share of electronic commerce in commerce in general (over the world and in Poland) has caused a need of online access to logistic services amid suppliers and recipients on market. Growth of electronic commerce evaluating towards e-business has brought about a natural need of growth of processes of commodity flow service, in area of company front-office (e. g. sales, marketing, client service), as well as back-office (purchasing, warehousing, transport, production and co-production). Electronic data interchange between partners let them cooperate in real time and create integrated supply chain. Efficient, relia- (...)
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